Verification of Deposit loans mortgage terminology definition

Verification of Deposit: This is a financial document that the borrower gives to the lender which verifies the amount of money the borrower has in reserve in the bank. Sometimes lenders want to see a certain amount of money in reserves in order to approve

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VA Home Loan Program loans mortgage terminology definition

VA Home Loan Program: This program is a benefit to Veterans that allows them to take a home loan mortgage with a guarantee from the VA. The VA guarantees that a certain percentage of the loan will be paid back to the lender even in the case of borrower de

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Interest Only Loan loans mortgage terminology definition

Interest Only Loan: A mortgage loan that allows the borrower to pay only the interest on the mortgage for a set amount of time before they start paying towards the principal. People use this type of mortgage when they expect an increase in income in the f

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Gift Letter loans mortgage terminology definition

Gift Letter: If you are given money for a down payment from a friend, relative, or employer, you must have a letter stating that the person giving you the money does not expect to be paid back. If you borrow money that you are expected to repay, the mortg

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